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www.a11520.com Culture

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We understand that we will win and lose as a team and act accordingly.  We trust and respect each other, and expect the best of the entire team every single day.
Our strategy and objectives are clear, designed with a customer view and aligned within our team.  We want everyone to know where we are and where we want to go.
          -- We seek and understand customer view               
      --  Our measures are customer driven               
          -- We change our processes to suit customer        
          -- We appreciate our internal customers        
We communicate in a direct, open, and respectful manner. We openly and willingly share information that is helpful for decision making.

Our people are our greatest asset.  We focus on learning and providing an opportunity for growth and development.
          -- We hire for the long-term                                
       -- Development and learning are encouraged               
       -- We MUST find time for learning               
          -- We promote cross-organizational experience        
We take personal accountability for our own business and our own behavior.
          -- We work across the team on a problem        
          -- We are willing to admit mistakes               
          -- We analyze to solve                                       
       -- We practice straight talk?         
          -- We are willing to differentiate        
          -- We recognize Quality、Efficicy、Cost、HR and Risk Controls is the teams job,it’s not just functional department responsibility

We make decisions quickly and act with a sense of urgency.  We know that we are in a speed business?
         -- We solve the customers problem first               
         -- We have real passion for the business
         -- We try and do - getting better is the key
      -- We know the map is not the territory –
      -- We think Execution is the key
          -- We pursuit for process improvement
          -- We run meeting in efficiency way(on time and prepared)

We want to be a truly well-managed and a  professional organization at every level every day.
           --We view management/leadership as a key skill in an of itself and seek to develop it in all our people
         -- We show our best face to customers at all times        
         -- Physical appearance of our building and ourselves do matter
         -- Our language/behavior is a reflection of our company as well as us
      -- We run business legally
         -- We manage our time and commitments well to each other
         -- We show our PRIDE in our excellent, fast moving team.
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