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ACCA 调查显示:企业需要重新思考风险

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上海2012年4月17日电 /美通社亚洲/ -- ACCA(特许公认会计师公会)发布全新报告显示:企业需要加大力度,在公司内部增强风险管理责任意识。本次调查针对超过2,000名 ACCA 会员,调查结果显示:处于业务层面的会计师在确保成功的风险管理方面发挥着举足轻重的作用,并随时准备承担更多责任。


“风险发生于企业的各个层面,”ACCA 风险管理和公司治理主管莫可希(Paul Moxey)说道,“不能各自为政。风险管理需要企业的每个人身体力行,这样才能充分整合。”









ACCA 利用本次调查结果为企业进行在线“风险体检”。凭借这些资源,企业就能比照受访企业的惯例和经验进行自检,发现应当改进的方面。



评论 1

hulu hulu  管理员  发表于 2012-4-21 08:43:26 | 显示全部楼层
New online 'risk health check' for businesses is launched by global accountancy body

HONG KONG, April 17, 2012 /PRNewswire-Asia/ -- Businesses need to work harder to spread responsibility for risk manageMEnt across the whole organisation, according to a new report from ACCA (the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants). The survey of over 2,000 ACCA members found accounting professionaLS at the business coal-face have a vital role to play in successful risk management, and that they stand ready to do more.

The survey also found a statistical link between the use of accounting practices that contribute to managing risk and lower occurrences of dysfunctional behaviour. The survey also found differences in the perception of a company's EXposure to risk between those at board level and those accounting professionals working below board level.

"Risk happens at all levels of business," says Paul Moxey, Head of Risk Management and Corporate Governance at ACCA. "It doesn't sit in silos. Risk management needs to be something that is undertaken by everyone in an organisation so it is fully integrated."

The survey shows that accounting professionals have an excellent grasp of the risks faced by their organisation and the steps needed to manage those risks. The survey also shows clear support amonGSt accounting professionals for 'challenging senior people' as being part of good business culture.Accounting is really about providing information to help make good decisions, and good decisions mean less risk. The accounting professional's day-to-day role is all about managing risk, even if people don't think about what they do in that way.

The value of accounting professionals' contributions can be lost through their misuse. Accounting professionals in the survey reported very high levels of 'bad behaviour' around risk management. Examples include frequent 'gaming' of forecaSTS, providing optimistic versions to avoid criticism or pessimistic ones to reduce expectations. Only 1% of respondents reported never seeing any of the bad behaviours asked about in the survey at their organisation.

However, the survey did find a statistical link between the use of good risk management practices by accounting professionals and incidences of dysfunctional behaviour: more good practices correspond with less dysfunctional behaviour. Types of good practice include aspeCTS of management accounting, forecasting, reporting and quality controls, decision support and controls over wrongful behaviour.Accountants who thought dysfunctional behaviours most widespread most wanted to make more use of the good practices.

Some of the highest SCores for good practices were from small organisations. Their stereotype as unsophisticated is perhaps an oversimplification.

The survey also found that those in more junior roles are more aware of both risks and 'bad behaviour' than their board-level colleagues.

"Non-execs were more likely than anyone else to identify 'personality' factors -- such as planned dishonesty or the opportunistic abuse of power -- as causes of problems rather than more controllable factors, such as financial pressure on an organisation," explains Moxey. "They were also much more optimistic about the frequency of 'bad behaviour' than anyone else, and were more enthusiastic about management tools that the survey shows to have debatable effectiveness, such as budgetary controls."

"It may be because senior levels are less involved in the day-to-day running of the organisation, or because they're taking a broader view of the business. It might be that the way information is reported to them needs to be improved."

The survey findings have been used by ACCA to develop an online 'risk health check' for businesses. Using this resource, businesses can compare themselves to the practices and experiences of businesses from the survey, and identify areas for improvement.

Paul Moxey concludes: "This is a very timely report as now is a critical time for risk management. The financial crisis highlighted the disastrous consequences of senior management effectively ignoring risk management. Risk management has since risen up the agenda, but its importance hasn't always been reflected in budgets or actual actions and there's a danger it will be forgotten about once the current crisis has passed. Businesses need to take this opportunity to properly integrate risk management into their business processes."

"Integrated risk management is vital for any business that wants to pursue sustainable growth. We hope businesses take advantage of the insights on offer as part of the 'health check'."
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